Patient Consent with Clincheck


Orthodontic treatment, like any medical or dental treatment, has some risks. The more common risks of orthodontic treatment include:

Gum Problems

1. Inflammation

  • If you do not keep your teeth and gums clean you will develop gum disease.
  • Gum disease causes inflamed and bleeding gums
  • Gum disease is preventable if you take good care of your teeth and gums.
I understand that I need to remove my Invisalign aligner to clean my teeth*
I understand there is a risk of gum inflammation during orthodontic treatment if I do not clean my teeth*
I understand that I need to brush and floss at least twice a day and ideally after meals*

2. Recession

  • A less common gum problem that can occur during any type of orthodontic treatment is gum recession.
  • Receding gums causes an exposure of the root of the tooth by loss of gum tissue (see photo).
  • This can happen on any tooth and can be very difficult to predict.
  • Your dentist will inform you if you are at an increased risk of this happening during your treatment.
I understand there is a risk of gum recession during orthodontic treatment*

3. Black Triangles

  • Sometimes when overlapping or very crowded teeth are straightened there is a lack of supporting gum tissue surrounding the teeth.
  • This may cause the appearance of a “black triangle”.
I understand there is a risk of black triangles occurring during orthodontic treatment*

1. Root Resorption

  • This is shortening of the roots of the teeth.
  • Mild resorption is common with all types of braces.
  • Severe resorption is uncommon but can occur if teeth have previously been traumatized (damaged by accident) or had previous braces.
  • However, it can happen without any known cause.
  • Even with severe resorption, prognosis can be good in the medium to long term.
I understand there is a risk of root resorption during orthodontic treatment*

2. Relapse after orthodontic treatment

  • Teeth will want to move back to their original position after orthodontic treatment. This is called relapse.
  • Relapse can be prevented by wearing a retainer.
  • It is important to follow the instructions given to you by your dentist when treatment is complete in order to reduce the risk of relapse.
  • You must wear your removable retainer for a minimum of 6 months following treatment and every night thereafter.
  • If you lose or break this retainer you must have a replacement made immediately or there is a risk your teeth could move. You will incur the cost of the replacement retainer.
I understand there is a risk of relapse after orthodontic treatment if I do not wear my retainer as advised by my dentist*

3. Non-Vital Tooth

  • A non-vital tooth means the nerve in the tooth has died.
  • Certain teeth are at a higher risk of becoming non-vital during orthodontic treatment. For example, teeth which have already had a root canal treatment or teeth which have had accidents.
  • An undetected non vital tooth may flare up during orthodontic treatment, requiring root canal treatment to maintain it.
I understand that during orthodontic treatment a tooth may become non vital and require root canal treatment*

4. Length of Treatment

  • Your dentist will give you an estimate of how long they think your treatment will last.
  • It is important to remember that this is just an estimate.
  • There are some factors which will affect how long your brace treatment will last including

Missed Appointments

  • It is important to attend for your appointments every 4-8 weeks as instructed by your orthodontist.
  • If you miss any appointments, your treatment will take longer.
  • Unsupervised treatment will also increase the risk root resorption and periodontal disease.

Poor Compliance

  • Aligners must be worn at all times.
  • Under no circumstances should you take them out for over 90mins at any one time


  • How quick teeth move is different from person to person.
  • For some people, their teeth move quicker than average and so their treatment will not take as long as initially thought.
  • For others, treatment may take longer if their teeth are slow to move.
I have seen the 3D movement of my teeth on the computer called ‘Clincheck’ and I am happy that my concerns are being addressed*


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